
My Top Soca Song Every Year (1997-2024)

January 20, 2025by David Hamilton0


As an avid soca listener and round-de-year soca music beater, this list was a pleasure to compile. It was a joy pulling up hits of years gone on the “YouTubes” and re-living the memories in real-time: the cooler fete escapades, beating a desk in school to Big Truck or storming a chutney soca fete in UWI. These songs have been the soundtrack to a significant portion of my life, from way back when I had to beg my parents to go out to now when I have to beg my knees not to be sore the next day after a fete.

The beauty of this list is that I know my picks won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. Only in a few cases was the Road March song of that year my personal song of the year, a situation I’ve already dealt with at length in a previous article. But hear what, if you feel I going mad on some of these picks, don’t vex with me. Put up your personal list in the comments, even if is just for a few years. I’m interested in seeing others’ ratings. But theintro getting kinda long so lewwe get on with it.

Real quick, I want to shout out to Riddim Cracker for preserving high-quality versions of older soca releases on YouTube. Give them a subscription if you’re a fan of vintage soca.



Top Pick: Music Farm

Special Mention: Big Truck

This was one was reallllll close. I remember in Form 4 in Pres Sando when we bring out the rustrum (that big hulking piece of wood teachers used to deliver they lectures from) in the middle of the basketball court and start to beat and sing the whole damn song!!!

“Hold on to de big truck, Hold on to de big truck”.

I don’t think the teachers even stop we.

The video for this was crazy. Machel on the truck…the instantly iconic intro…”yeah yeah yeah”. Denise in the video too, wining with blonde short hair.  The iconic guitars and breakdown…”if your big truck shut down…ahh haaa” – this breakdown would be the template for almost every soca road march in the twenty years following.

But, after I say all that, I STILL liked Music Farm more. That video was also instantly iconic. Machel in the straw hat and denim jump suit….come nah man!!!

The whole of Xtatic (Machel’s band at the time for the Gen Z contingent) out dey having fun in Siparia market. The fun mix between a 90s dancehall, a tinge of soca and sesame street. This was a clooooose one and it hurts my heart not to put Big Truck first but…yeah…is Music Farm…by a straw whisker.


Top Pick: Toro

Special Mention: None

For 1998, many would say Footsteps should be the pick, or at least a special mention. Not me. The spanish horns alone blows all competition away. It’s still one of the most impressive soca music videos of all time and the only song to make a crowd mash way a fence in Port of Spain. Oh gosh Machel, remaster the video to 4K nah man or at least a 1080p.



Top Pick: Powder Puff

Special Mention: River

River was such a breath of fresh air in 1999. It came out of nowhere and swept the soca monarch race. This mix of RnB melodies over soca was a foreshadowing of what Destra would master in the decade to come (and dey have plenty Destra on my list too).

But still, I have to give it to Powder Puff. It’s one of the finest Jouvert songs of all time. OF ALL TIME! The instrumental is insane. The haunting piano melody is bound to give you the hibby jibbies on a cold jouvert morning waiting for the truck to pull off. Boy Scouts 1999 made this song legendary for me. Imagine ten jansport bags opening and over fifteen Jergens powder bottles puffing, forming a clouds bigger than Jiggly Puffs.


Top Pick: Water Flowing

Special Mention: None

What else can I say? This is one of the best songs from boy. It was a smash at the time and is a smash still. Water fetes was now starting to take shape and this was the anthem. Shoutout to Wete Fete in Maska ground (if you know you know…but if you know and she eh know…she too young for you bro).



Top Pick: Fete is Fete

Special Mention: None

In 2001, nobody could convince me this wasn’t winning Road March. Yes I know, it doh have de vibe for de road, for de uptong and down tong…yadda yadda but that was back when I used to go with my heart and not one setta analysis and parameters. There was no song close to this for me. Bunji was in his prime as a performer… there are freestyle verses to this song you only heard if you were in de fetes. The beat by Jason Lee…crazy. Flow…insane.

Army Fete tried to blacklist Bunji for not performing in their fete. His response? I could perform in any fete. Fete is Fete. Well who tell them get the Viking vex? Whole carnival we sang and trolled Army Fete. Eventually he did make his return to that fete. But in 2001? Nothing was touching Garlin.



Top Pick: Over & Over

Special Mention: None

This was Benjai’s first hit and boy was it a big one. And Bunji was hitting that year with “We doh watch face, only waist“.



Top Pick: Carnival Darling

Special Mention: It’s Carnival by Destra & Machel /Wrong timing by Blazer Dan

This one real hardd. Juhhhh. So the “right” answer is “It’s Carnival”. But not for me, nope. Carnival Darling from dem three fellas from Grande is one of my top five soca songs of all time… it’s a certified, cold stone, jouvert classic. From the message to the lyrics to the flow. The harmonies at the start…from the time you hear “Treason is the clan”. Jeez, pores raising right now.

It’s Carnival needs no explanation. Destra was at the height of her powers and Machel was at one of his apexes – when we thought boy was done he kill it off again in 2013 and 2014. This is the song people think won road march in 2003 – it really was Fay-Ann with “Display“.

Lastly…Blazer boy, RIP. One of my favorite soca artists of ALL TIME. I can’t explain why I like “Wrong Timing” so much but it’s one of my favorite soca songs of all time. I have an unreasonable affection for it.



Top Pick: Bonnie & Clyde

Special Mention: None

Nothing was touching this song in 2004. Yes it lost Road March to Shurwayne with “The Band Coming” but that was because the Queen lost her voice during the season and fought Denise Belfon backstage. The result was a ton of lost goodwill and momentum.

Song for song, it’s a no-brainer which one aged best. No diss to Shurwayne but this song is that one that’s still a staple in fetes. The concept was money and the execution was gold. The vocals on the track are impeccable and even now remain one of the best singing displays on a soca song ever.



Top Pick: Fly

Special Mention: Clear De Way

I believe this is the last single from Bunji’s group…aka the group that got dismantled when he married Fay-Ann. Well that’s what I hear. Doh say I say eh. Anyway, that song was fire.

But 2005 was all Destra. She and Kitch (Kernal Roberts for allyuh young peons) had perfected the formula. Her voice was on point and her mic was on. Every performance that year was legendary, from the outfits, to the rock inspired theme and band. She was bulletproof.


Top Pick: Band of the Year

Special Mention: None

This was one of the few years where Road March was signed, sealed and delivered long before soca switch on Boxing Day. There was no debate. Everyone was in agreement. This was the best song for the road and the best song for the season.



Top Pick: One More Time

Special Mention: Be Mine Tonight by Blazer/ I Dare You by Destra

Well you already know how much I like Blazer as a soca artist and “Be Mine Tonight” is his very best song. It starts off sweet, almost like a soulful John Legend and by the chorus is level vibes and roughness. Nobody could execute that style like him. And “I Dare You” is a top shelf Destra. It’s both hauntingly sweet and taunting. You want the bumper? Well come thru nah. It’s so breezily effortless and timeless.

But “One More Time” is a different animal. This is still Machel’s best groovy soca ever and an indisputable top five Machel of all time. From the time you hear “call me anytime you want” and those synths kick in…is a wrap. Guaranteed to tun up parties for years to come.



Top Pick: Gyal Farm

Special Mention: None

This song might be Kerwin’s first legit soca hit. The chorus hits so hard. And Shal didn’t spoil the song…I half-teasing but back then with Shal you wasn’t sure.



Top Pick: Wine up on me

Special Mention: None

We never got anything as big from Zoelah again but I will take this one and hush my mouth. This is one of the finest groovy soca songs you will ever hear with the best vocal performance this side of Destra.



Top Pick: In Front ah Meh

Special Mention: None

No not Palance although big up JW every time. In Front Ah Meh was my song for 2010. Doh fight Umi!


Top Pick: Wotless

Special Mention: Advantage

I had to give the red man it in 2011.

Machel gave us a banger for the ages in 2011 but it took until 2012 to soak in proper for me. I didn’t appreciate it that much at the time.

“And I feeeeeel liiiiiike, I just win a million dollllaaaaaazzzzzzzzz”.

That was my anthem in 2011.


Top Pick: Mr. Fete

Special Mention: None

This was Machel’s true comeback song. After the controversy in front of Zen, boy wasn’t looking too good. On top of that, he took a year off in 2010, and let JW & Blaze run off with the Road March. Is true he had Advantage in 2011 but if you remember that soca monarch well, people weren’t convinced and general opinion was that he stole that win.

More than the song, it’s the video that brings it altogether. Seeing Machel dance and interact with fans and have fun to his music was a breath of fresh air.


Top Pick: Thief a Wine

Special Mention: Fog (Machel) / Wine Back (K.Rich)

This is one of the best groovy soca songs of all time. And a top five Kes song. Nothing was touching this.

That being said, Fog is another top tier Machel song and one of his most iconic. In some ways it can be considered the most iconic soca song of the 2010s. If you think of feting in the 2010s, you hear this song. The video was shot as the Soakah event and it definitely played a role in that fete’s enduring popularity. Play Fog in any fete and you sure to inspire a sing-a-long.

And “Wine Back” by K.Rich is a big sleeper. One of the most unique hits you will hear that sticks in your brain. It has a mix of melancholy and celebratory with an eccentric electronic vibes. I love it so much.


Top Pick: Too Real

Special Mention: Haunted (Machel)

Talking about sing-along soca songs, Haunted is another one. When this play in a fete, is a full on choir. I real love this song. So why is it not my favorite for 2014?

Too Real is something else nah boy. Anytime I remember fetes in 2014, I smile. Beach House was a movie. This song was the soundtrack.


Top Pick: Like a Boss

Special Mention: Falling / Party Done (Machel x Angela Hunte)

Competition was stiff in 2015. Honestly, any of these three could have been number one. Falling might just be the best song from Trinidad’s premier red man. When you think of Kes, you hear the opening synths on Falling, right before the drums come in. It’s just so carefree and fun without guile…it personifies what we love about Kes. But Party Done though. Them drums, building to that hook. Unexpected and epic. It has a kinda sweaty UK basement party feel. Every fete you would hear the drop before the crowd shouts….”party done”.

Still, Like a Boss is Like a Boss. From when the Intercol horns kick in, you done know this song was special. By the time the chorus hit…Road March was in the bag. The only question was who taking second place.


Top Pick: Mon Bon Ami

Special Mention: None

This song is so unbelievably confectionary it could melt in yuh mouth. The beat and the vocals are perfectly paired. It’s a beautiful work of art.


Top Pick: Calypso

Special Mention: Carnival to Remember (GBM Milko) / Workout (Kes & Nailah) / Incredible (Kes)

Workout with Kes and Nailah gave us … Nailah…arguably the only recent consistent soca artist we’ve produced. Once that song dropped we knew we were in for something special. Her chemistry with Kes drove the song to the top. It didn’t sound like a new artist receiving a favour. She more than held her own.

Carnival To Remember is one of those ones. If this is the only hit we ever get from GBM Milko, he can still hold his head hight. The melodies, flow and storytelling are insane.

Incredible was so surprising a hit that Kes didn’t even realise; he forgot to push it for Road March and pushed some other nonsense instead. Even now, that song still goes.

But Calypso is special. When I first heard it, I instantly felt jealous as an artist myself. The minimalist production paired with heartfelt, honest vocals were crazy. And the lyrics were poetic. It had a story that hit you in the chest like a reverse bellas. You knew you were listening to a work of art.


Top Pick: Soca Kingdom

Special Mention: None

Don’t feel I don’t remember. Allyuh was hating. Just because Laundry run the tune fifty times in a row on 96 and daiz Machel partner allyuh bawl Soca Mafia. But eh…two things could be correct at the same time. The song was a classic from release and still…is a classic. From the time Machel say, wine in front the “people business place” and then Super ketch the alley-oop with “wine and fling it up, wine and wine and fling it up” and break dong the whole rim…everything shell. Savannah what? Nuttin was touching this in 2018.


Top Pick: Famalay

Special Mention: Savannah Grass / Radar / Dr. Mashup 2

2019 was a special year. I could name at least five more tunes for this list. Savannah Grass is legendary. Radar was a sleeper but soak in a like a pot of pelau on slow cook. Machel obliterate Iwer on wax with a soca diss track for the ages.

But Bouyon is Bouyon. And that beat alone was gas. Machel do he ting and Skinny was spectacular but the Viking carry that song like water gone and the stand pipe was far.


Top Pick: Carry On

Special Mention: Captain by Hey Choppi

This might not have been the best strategy for Patrice; dropping some of her best work during the pandemic.

Me eh know how we would have survived without the tunes she dropped nah. This one was in particular lived rent-free in my cranium for months. Couldn’t even go outside and I dey sad singing to myself “Carry on…carry on baby”.

Captain is sneakily one of the best songs of the 2020s. Once your brain downloads and really processes the melodies, it’s like a virus to the orbitofrontal cortex (daiz de pleasure center).


Top Pick: Tender

Special Mention: None

Another year where Pandemic Patsy saved us. I know, it’s a terrible nickname. But for real, she really was we shining light in the darkness.

This song is in the running for the very best we’ve received from the Toco gyal. The singing is spine-tingling; soulful and imbued with feeling. It’s not the type of thing you expect in this genre. It’s almost spiritual.


Top Pick: Come Down From Dey

Special Mention: Mind My Business by Patrice Roberts

Patsy almost pull off the hatrick but for my taste, Trinidad Killa took the top spot with an intoxicating mix of zess, bacchanal and bold-faceness. In other words, the song was Trinidad Killa in print.



Top Pick: Mental Day

Special Mention: Shake The Place by Machel & Destra / Mas by Freetown & Mical Teja

Once you say “Machel” and “Destra”, I dey. Say no more fam. Instant classic. Shake the Place is everything I want in a soca song. And the video is one of the best soca videos of all time.

Freetown didn’t slack after “Feel The Love“​. Teja wasn’t Teja yet – that would come a year later. Still, the collab was a smash.

Ultimately, all had to bow to the red man. Mental Day was the anthem for we…for all of us in a soul-sucking job, waiting for those few days to palance and go out ah body…before Ash Wednesday when we have to come back to we self.



Top Pick: Runaway

Special Mention: None

2024 was Mical’s coming out party. There are big soca artists that never won Road March and Mical hit it on de first strike. Yes DNA is a big tune and the natural choice for many but hear me out. Runaway is poetry. The lyrics and melody coalesce like shadon beni in a bubbling stew. After a year and change, I still can’t get tired of it.





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